Saturday 9 June 2012

Every day is a good day

“Every day is a good day” is a quote from a Zen  koan spoken by Master Yun Men. The statement is found to be the most influential quotes of Zen literature.
To have conviction that every day is a good day means that we are living our own lives. If we discriminate it based on our feelings of happiness or unhappiness and say ‘i wonder if today wil be good” or “today i am so happy that it is a good day” or “if something good happens to me today i will regard it as a good day” with that attitude it means that we are living our lives passively. As if life is something that happens to us. If we live this way we are giving up the direction of our own lives and we will inevitably decline.
To understand that every day is a good day takes courage. Some days we will suffer, some days we will be happy. If its ur day to fight then you will fight, if its your day to die then you will die. The attitude can be contradictory to our familiar mental habits. The implication of thinking this way is that we are responsible for our own lives, and if we treat each day as a good day to face what we face then our lives begin to change.

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