Wednesday, 7 November 2012

What motivates me?

My ambition motivates me. I am driven towards working and becoming successful in my terms so I can live a fruitful life. A materialistic one is a bonus but to live a life filled with independence, longevity, health, wisdom, love and happiness is what I am aiming for. 

My ambition is not sole. We learn different things from people. If I see what I like from someone it pairs with my ambition therefore becoming my motivation.  Young black women who are leaders in their organisations empower me and contribute towards my ambition.  This is impacted if they are from a disadvantaged background and are working very hard to get to where they want. 

I have goals that I want to reach and most times I have not reached them at the desired time that I have set. I become disappointed look back to what I have and remind myself why I set these goals therefore motivating myself by surrounding myself with the people and environments who contribute to my motivation.

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